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trader's / investor's inner dialogue

"The risk of an activity doesn't lie in the activity itself, but in how the participants approach it"

Howard Marks, How to Think About Risk. emilio moreno nonviolent communication mediation
  • I want to take my emotions seriously while trading/investing:


Forget the outdated adage that emotions are on the way of rational thinking. Neuroscience is clear: our brain DEPENDS on emotions to decide. 


  • My inner dialogue is painful, even when my trading works:


We will work towards a system of mindful exercises to help you gain self-awareness and address the emotional roots of pain. 


  • How to deal with tilt / regret? I feel anger/guilt handling variance/drawdown:


Together, we will build a process that fits your personality in all honesty and compassion. Lets identify who you are in order to understand what you need. 


  • I keep disrespecting my system and overtrading. I revenge-trade or FOMO in:


Discipline is not about you forcing yourself into something you don't like, it is about finding that important thing you are saying YES to.


  • No matter how succesful, I feel empty / anxious / hopeless:


You can start today a path of truth, inner peace, acceptance, and honesty by listening to what you feel. Let's step up.

Perception and uncertainty

Our brain needs feelings to see, to hear, to know. Perception is shaped by our emotions, past experiences, and psychological patterns. Traders can become aware of how their emotions influence what they see and how they interpret market information. By understanding that perception is both subjective and emotionally driven, they can begin to correct biases, become more self-aware, and ultimately make better decisions.

All decisions have a feeling fueling them. The more uncertainty, the more influential your beliefs and feelings of confidence or fear become.
The biggest risk is denying or diminishing the role of emotions in decision-making. The more self-awareness of what you are feeling on a physical and an emotional level, the fewer poor decisions you'll make. In turn, there will be fewer instances to recover from a bad day or a drawdown. 

Emotions are data 

Emotions are data points, offering insight into your values, your needs, and your state of mind. Rather than being something to suppress, emotions should be understood and used as a tool inherent to decision-making. Control your emotions? No. KNOW YOUR EMOTIONS if you want to be in charge of your actions. Wishing to act is not the same as having to act, no matter how urgent your emotions feel. You can learn to feel something without having to do anything about it. 

Study the data. Understand the feeling, the need behind it, and you will not only understand the behaviour, but have a new and powerful lever into how to choose behaviour that best serves your purposes. No amount of thinking harder, twice, or more rationally, is going to change the imperative role of emotions in decision-making. Your feelings point to what is important to you.

Applying the principles of Nonviolent Communication and Theory of Mind will help you to be in charge of your actions and understand other people’s actions, reactions, and extremes. Mastering emotional awareness is a superpower and a key to becoming a better decision maker, trader, and investor.


  • The fee for trader / investor sessions is 80€ per hour (or equivalent in $ or £)

  • Online or on location. 

  • After our first session, we decide how (if) to go on. I suggest at least 5 sessions so that you can start noticing changes.  

  • English / Español


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